Oval Natural Emerald Eternity Band | Saratti


May's Birthstone: Emerald

Dive into the rich history, lore and unique
qualities of May's one and only gemstone jardin!

Curious to learn more about this shape before you go ring shopping? Well, you've found the article that will serve as your trustworthy emerald-cut engagement ring guide.

Ultimate Guide to Emerald-Cut Engagement Rings

Curious to learn more about this shape before you go ring shopping? Well, you've found the article that will serve as your trustworthy emerald-cut engagement ring guide.
Promise Ring, Engagement Ring  or Both- MODERN GEM JEWELRY

Promise Ring, Engagement Ring or Both!

Next to engagement rings, promise rings are one of the most frequently talked about items by jewelers - what are they for, and what do they mean? When is it appropriate to give one? What should it ...
Engagement Ring Styles and Settings | Modern Gem Jewelry

Engagement Ring Styles and Settings

The term "setting" refers to the manner in which gemstones are set into a metal band. The purpose of the ring setting is to enhance the radiance of an engagement diamond. Style is the overall look ...
The Perfect Guide To Unique Engagement Ring |  Modern Gem Jewelry®

The Perfect Guide To Unique Engagement Ring

Weddings have a lot of traditions, like a beautiful white wedding dress or a diamond engagement ring. We adore them because they are timeless, and many brides still yearn for a classic ceremony. 
Best Center STone Shapes Fro Engagement Rings. • Modern Gem Jewelry®

Best Center Stone Shapes for Engagement Rings

It is possible to feel completely overwhelmed by all the different cuts of the center stone that are available to you. The good news is that we can guide you through a few different shape options u...
5 Reasons Why Everyone Is Choosing 18K Gold For Their Engagement Rings - Modern Gem Jewelry

5 Reasons Why Everyone Is Choosing 18K Gold For Their Engagement Rings

If you've started looking for the right engagement ring, you'll see that not only do you need to pick on the type of setting and diamond shape, but you'll also discover that most settings come in a...
5 Raessons Everyone is choosing Sapphire for Their engagement ring

5 Reasons Everyone Is Choosing Sapphires For Their Engagement Ring

Colored gemstones have resurfaced as a fashionable choice for today's wedding. In civil wedding rings, colored stones have historically had a prestigious place. For a more personalized approach, se...


Handcrafted solely for you by our world-class artisans.

Custom Engagement Ring by Modern Gem Jewelry®

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